
2005-2010 Challenger Charger Automatic Installed.

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2006-2010 Challenger Charger All LX Platform
The GUNSLINGER HANDLE operates the same as your factory handle. Simply move the handle in the same manner as the factory handle. All operations will be the same except that now, you will have a cool looking retro handle to compliment your car's interior.
The GUNSLINGER HANDLE will fit all 2005 to 2010 Chargers, Challengers, and LX platform cars. Although, there are 2 different factory handles, installation is a simple 2 minutes or less procedure.
From 2005 to mid 2007, the black shifter handle screwed on. In mid 2007, they changed from a screw on to a compression fitting. To remove the screw on 2005-2007 handle, you will need to unscrew the factory grip. After the factory handle is removed, slide the New GUNSLINGER HANDLE over the factory shifter arm, position it in the location you want, and tighten the set screw. Installation is now complete.
From mid 2007 to 2010, the factory handle is held on with a compression fitting. Inside the grip of the factory shifter, there is a small bump that fits into an 1/8" grove on the steel shaft of the factory shifter. When the chrome plated plastic compression fitting is placed over the bottom of the shift handle, it compresses this grove into the steel shaft. This is what holds the grip on the shifter. To remove the factory handle, using a butter knife, pry the chrome compression bezel down. After the bezel is lowered, you will see white plastic fingers with slots. The bump is located on the underside of these fingers. Insert a screwdriver into these slots and twist lightly from side to side to free. Pull up to remove the factory grip, then remove chrome compression bezel. Position the new GUNSLINGER HANDLE on the factory shifter arm with the front of the GUNSLINGER HANDLE facing the driver's door. Press the GUNSLINGER HANDLE down to seat, twist the handle 90 degrees to face the front of the car and tighten set screw. Installation is now complete. Drive and enjoy your new GUNSLINGER shifter.